Emergency Information
Here are the nearest Emergency clinics:
We recommend calling the emergency clinic for availability and wait times.
24/7: Animal Emergency Care in Apple Valley at 952-953-3737
24/7: University of Minnesota in St. Paul at 612-626-8387
24/7: Veterinary Emergency Group in Woodbury: 651-780-7595
24/7: Animal Emergency and Referral Center of Minnesota in St. Paul at 651-293-1800
24/7: Animal Emergency and Referral Center of Minnesota in Oakdale at 651-501-3766
24/7: Blue Pearl in Golden Valley: 952-942-8272
*Visit Blue Pearl’s website for additional Minnesota locations
24/7: Allied Emergency Vet in Minneapolis: 952-521-3030
24/7: Como Park Animal Hospital in Roseville: 651-487-3255
Urgent care:
Hours vary: Aurora Urgent Veterinary Clinic in White Bear Lake: 651-422-7387
Hours vary: Well Haven Pet Health in Maple Grove: 763-496-5092
Hours vary: Animal Emergency & Referral Center of Minnesota in Oakdale: 651-350-3500
Hours vary: University of Minnesota in St. Paul: 612-626-8387
Hours vary: Prior Lake Pet Hospital in Prior Lake: 952-447-2855
Hours vary: Allied Veterinary Emergency and Referral in Eden Prairie: 952-452-0025
Pet Poison Helpline: 855-764-7661
*There is a fee per incident for expert care– any poisoning, any pet species.
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