by PKAH Staff | Aug 2, 2019 | Mellie's Diary, Star Patient
Congratulations to our July Winner—Scout H! “Scout (Scott) Wellington: I love to ponder philosophy (I have two PhD’s), usually while napping in the sun. I follow my peeps around at all times in case they accidentally drop treats (Greenies are the best!)....
by PKAH Staff | Jul 12, 2019 | Mellie's Diary, Star Patient
Congratulations to our June winner—Zola B! “Zola is a muted Calico with a black spot on her nose. She was rescued from Feline Rescue in St. Paul 2 years ago. Zola loves to play with mice toys and jumping for them when thrown. She loves watching birds from her window....
by PKAH Staff | Jun 28, 2019 | Topic of the Month
There are updates regarding the link between grain-free diets and Dilated Cardiomyopathy in dogs. To read the latest report (including brands affected) click here:…/fda-investigation-potential-link-betw… We recommend you make sure your grain-free...
by PKAH Staff | Jun 3, 2019 | Mellie's Diary, Star Patient
Congratulations to our May Winner– Pinky H! “Pinky gets her name from her pink nose. When asleep it is pale and when frisky it is bright pink. Her favorite spots are anywhere there is sunshine, otherwise on her cat tree. She is a very mellow cat and does...
by PKAH Staff | May 3, 2019 | Star Patient, Uncategorized
Congratulations to our April Winner– Teddy H! “So excited that Teddy is patient of the month! Here’s a picture of him snuggling with his sister, Nellie. I hope you can use it! Teddy loves to play with sparkly pompoms, chase and wrestle with Nellie, and...
by PKAH Staff | Mar 25, 2019 | Star Patient
Congratulations to our March winner Russell W! “Russell Whiskerson, or “Big Russ” as his friends call him, came to us from a life on the streets via Last Hope about eight years ago. We think he’s probably of the Snowshoe, or Silver Laces, variety but that’s...