Mellie’s Dental Diary

Here we go!  Today is the day of my dental cleaning.  Before it all starts, I get to hang out in this private kennel, with a comfy bed, a mat on the floor so my precious toes don’t have to touch any cold metal, fresh water and a clean litterbox, and a privacy towel...

January’s Star Patient Winner- Harry L!

Congratulations to our January Star Patient Winner Harry L! “He is playful, loves to play with his toys at night and his favorite place is at the very top of his cat tower!” Congratulations Harry for being our Star Patient winner. He is now entered into...

Mellie’s Hyperthyroid Treatment

Feline hyperthyroidism is the most common endocrine disease in cats, affecting about 10% of cats that are over ten years old. This disease is caused by an overactive thyroid gland (or glands; cats have two) due to a non-cancerous tumor, which results in more thyroid...

November’s Winner: Pepper H

Congratulations to our November Star Patient Winner Pepper H! Pepper is a fourteen year old loving, protective, and sweet border collie. She enjoys biscuits, blankets, and long naps. Pepper loves spending time with her brother Jasper and showing the cats she is alpha...